Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Help Your Children Maintain Lifelong Healthy Teeth!

Tip Of The Day…Help Your Children
Maintain Lifelong Healthy Teeth!

Ever met someone with a winning smile?
Well, it started with healthy teeth and gums as a child.

Parents ask when they should begin to brush their children’s teeth.

Healthy teeth start at the time your baby is “teething.” Studies show that children that begin before they’re one have less decay than those who start later.

Decay can start as soon as the gum breaks, even before the tooth is visible, simply because bacteria begin to grow in the child’s mouth.

But here’s the problem…

Children can’t brush their teeth adequately until they are about five years old (this will vary with each child) so parents should supervise their brushing until they are about eight years old. 

Obviously if your kids are like mine and many small children they will resist having their teeth brushed and it’s something that just has to be done so here are some ideas to make it more fun!

*Use baby or child toothpaste and try different flavors. Many children dislike peppermint, possibly because it can taste hot!
* Let them watch you brush your teeth! (Kids love to play copycat)
* Take them to buy a toothbrush, perhaps a musical one or one with a handle that changes color. Let them put it in their mouth and chew on it even before they have teeth - so they get used to having a brush in their mouth. 

* Make a game of it - let them clean your teeth while you do theirs.

* Sing a silly song, look in a mirror, pretend their mouth is a tunnel and the brush is a train or a hangar with an airplane.

* Let them sit on your lap. If you approach from in front, some children can feel intimidated.

* If you brush your teeth with them, pretend the white foam is slobber - ahead and be a little silly.

* Say I bet I can open my mouth wider than you can - make a silly contest out of it.

* If you can make them laugh, they’ll associate fun with this event, and it will make future brushings easier!

* Use a brushing chart with a small reward - gold stars or a healthy treat.

* Don't let them have anything sweet unless they have their teeth cleaned.

* As they brush, talk through each food item they ate, and tell them they are cleaning it off now…”there goes the carrots!”
Teeth brushing must be a regular ritual for children. If you do what you can to make it more fun for them, it’s guaranteed to be more fun for you too! Also, you are setting them up for a healthy mouth for life!

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At May 26, 2010 at 8:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Of course, we also use the trick of letting our kids brush their teeth first and then we finish up or vice versa. It gives them the opportunity to practice brushing (and have a sense of control) and it gives us the peace of mind that our kids teeth are getting properly cleaned :)


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