Monday, January 7, 2013

Fibromyalgia Relief Through Chiropractic Care In Wilmington NC

Fibromyalgia is a sometimes debilitating condition. It is characterized by prolonged daily pain over a period of many months. There are tender spots in the sufferer's body that are super sensitive to pressure, even mild pressure. The condition is often accompanied by depression, fatigue and problems with sleep. A Wilmington NC chiropractor can often bring relief from these symptoms.

Tests can be conducted that are non-intrusive but accurately identify the areas of involvement. These chiropractic tests are conducted using thermal imaging, and are very accurate in identifying this pain syndrome condition. Areas of most involvement can be identified, which can then direct the series of adjustments needed to bring relief.

Though the cause of fibromyalgia is not fully understood, it is known to be an auto-immune disease. Though chiropractic care doesn't totally alleviate the condition, it does help to improve the condition and eliminate some of the pain. Even if spinal misalignment is not a cause of the pain and other symptoms, it does escalate everything.

The nerves that are involved in any misalignment causes even more pain in an already painful situation. It has been proven that chiropractic adjustments over a period of time greatly relieves the pain experienced with this condition.

Thermal imaging tests conducted before and after the course of adjustments have shown that significant improvement is common. In addition, sufferers report improvement in fatigue, depression and sleep disturbance.

Though extensive scientific studies have not yet been done, reports by patients indicate there is definite improvement in all areas from which they suffer. Since the sample is so small, it remains to be seen if the same good results are enjoyed every time.

Still, the chance that the suffering can be improved, and the fact that the course of care is non-intrusive gives reason to try a Wilmington NC chiropractor and see what success is enjoyed. Even small improvements in pain management are worth the effort.



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