Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why you should start walking today if you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

walk even if you work out

We sit at desks, sit in traffic, and sit at home in front of the TV. Americans have lost touch with the human being’s most basic and unique design function: to walk. Walking daily not only wards off more diseases than you count on both hands, it also soothes the mind, inspires creativity, and heightens the mood. Even if you already work out regularly, walking can still deliver its ancient benefits.

If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, incorporating daily walks into your routine can help you manage your condition. The many health benefits of walking may help balance the immune system--Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid gland, causing hypothyroid symptoms. Walking can also help elevate your mood, which not only helps regulate the immune system but also can help you cope better with your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. 

Walking shaped the human brain and keeps it healthy

We departed from the rest of the animal kingdom when we evolved to walk upright on two legs. This adaptation freed our arms and allowed us to conserve energy while moving over long distances, giving us more endurance than any other animal on the planet. The ability to walk also stimulated the development of the human brain into the fascinating and complex organ it is today.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle was known to give his lectures while walking, and many great thinkers since—Henry David Thoreau, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and even Steve Jobs—were known to use long walks to clear the brain and generate new ideas.

Walking is good for those intimidated by exercise

You don’t have to be one of history’s great thinkers to derive the benefits of a daily walk. For Americans who are overworked and overly sedentary, committing to a weight lifting routine or a workout class at the local gym may seem intimidating, overwhelming, or too expensive at first. A daily walk can be an excellent and non-threatening way to embark on an exercise program and reap the many benefits it promises. Once you’ve done it a few times, you’ll quickly realize it doesn’t require the same level of motivation as something more arduous—walking is a great way to escape and renew yourself on a regular basis.

Walking good for Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

Sometimes Hashimoto's hypothyroidism or another autoimmune condition puts strenuous exercise out of reach--some people are simply too fatigued to exercise. Walking may be a safe and gentle way to get the regular physical activity your body craves. You can start with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase your time spent walking as your strength improves. 

Health benefits of walking

Walking 30 to 45 minutes at least six days a week along with a healthy diet has been shown to offer the following benefits:

  • Shed excess fat
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Improve circulation
  • Strengthen bones
  • Reduce stress
  • Prevent depression
  • Prevent Type 2 diabetes
  • Improve mood and well-being
  • Reduce risk of colon and breast cancer
  • Prevent heart disease

Walking beneficial even if you work out

If you’re not walking because you already work out regularly, you may be short-changing yourself. For one thing, if you’re a runner, walking instead could save wear and tear on your joints. Newer research has even shown that training for marathons and long distance runs may even damage the heart and arteries.

Because walking has played such an integral role in the development of the human brain, it improves brain health in ways other exercises don’t. Research of adults in their mid 60s showed that an area of the brain called the hippocampus, the seat of learning and memory, grew in the subjects who walked regularly compared to subjects who did other forms of exercise. Walking regularly is an excellent way to lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Walking can also stimulate the creative juices that may be put on hold during a weight-training or high-intensity-interval cardiovascular session. For Americans on information overload and inundated with daily distractions, walking slows you down and invites you to soak in the world around you.

Walking also offers a great way to socialize with others. Socialization has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of many disorders, making a walk with friends or family members doubly good for you.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Wilmington, NC Chiropractor Offers Migraine Relief - Dr. Aaron Richardet


Friday, January 25, 2013

Wilmington, NC Spinal Pain Relieved With Spinal Decompression - Dr. Aaron Richardet


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cut the sugar to reduce heart disease risk and manage Hashimoto's

heart disease sugar disease

If you have been following conventional advice, then you’ve been told to avoid fats to prevent heart disease. Turns out if you want to maintain a healthy vascular system and prevent heart disease, sugar is the target you want to seek out and eliminate.

If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys the thyroid gland, you have another reason to kick the sugar habit: Eating sugar regularly imbalances blood sugar and promotes inflammation, which makes it more difficult to manage Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Research has found people who get at least 25 percent of their daily calories from added sugars of any kind were more than three times more likely to have low levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol in their bloodstream, a risk factor for heart disease, than people who got less than 5 percent of their calories from sweeteners. The high sugar consumers were also found to have higher triglycerides than normal, another risk factor for heart disease.

For a person who eats 2,000 calories a day, 25 percent is 500 calories, or 125 grams of sugar. To give you an idea, a medium white chocolate mocha has about 60 grams of sugar while a pecan roll has about 50. And that’s just breakfast. While most people worry about added weight from excess sugar, they should also consider their risk of heart disease.

The risk factors for heart disease are also risk factors for triggering and exacerbating autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Metabolic syndrome from sugar raises heart disease risk; plays role in Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

Researchers turned their microscopes on sugar when it became clear during the explosion of obesity and diabetes over the last 20 to 30 years that metabolic syndrome is the leading risk factor for heart disease. Metabolic syndrome also plays a role in autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Metabolic syndrome is a condition brought on by a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates that eventually causes insulin resistance. Eating a diet high in sugars and starchy carbs—pastas, pastries, breads—causes your body to pump out high amounts of insulin. Eventually the body’s cells, overwhelmed by the demands of insulin, become insulin resistant. Also, the pancreas becomes overwhelmed by pumping out so much insulin and becomes exhausted. As a result, blood sugar levels skyrocket. Many people with insulin resistance go on to develop Type 2 diabetes.

It’s the chronically high insulin and blood sugar levels that are so hard on the vascular system and precipitously increase the risk of heart disease. In addition to increased belly fat, metabolic syndrome also causes high triglycerides (fats circulating in the bloodstream), high blood pressure, lower HDL (the good cholesterol) and higher LDL (bad) cholesterol, high inflammation, and a long list of other chronic health conditions. If scientists want to induce metabolic syndrome in lab animals, they simply feed them a diet high in sugar. Even when sugar comprises just 20 percent of calories it induces insulin resistance.

In humans, regularly consuming soft drinks, sweetened juices and bakery products are sufficient to increase the risk of metabolic syndrome and heart disease. Junk fats, such as processed vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils—fries, chips, and processed foods made with trans fats and soybean oils—fuel damage to the body.

Because it's so pro-inflammatory, metabolic syndrome causes immune imbalances that trigger or flare up autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

How sugar damages arteries

Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of heart disease because high levels of sugar circulating in the bloodstream inflames and damages the lining of the arteries. The body uses cholesterol to patch the damaged areas contributing to the formation of plaque within the arteries—a process known as “atherosclerosis.” Although an effective short-term fix, this eventually leads to the creation of artery-clogging plaque, and drives up the risk of a heart attack.

How much sugar should you eat

The answer is fairy straightforward, none. The human body operates wonderfully on complex carbohydrates such as those derived from fresh vegetables and fruit. However, the American Heart Association suggests no more than 5 percent of calories come from sugar. On a 2,000 calorie diet, that’s 24 grams, or the equivalent of six teaspoons.

To put it in perspective, a can of Coke has 39 grams of sugar; a regular size frozen yogurt has 40 grams; a 16 ounce mocha drink with whipped cream has 47 grams; a bag of Skittles has 47 grams; 8 ounces of bottled ice tea has 23 grams; and a Clif Bar has 21 grams. It is very easy to quickly exceed the limits of sugar consumption that increase your risk of heart disease.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Wilmington, NC Chiropractor Provides Hip Pain Relief - Dr. Aaron Richardet


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wilmington NC Chiropractors - Dr. Aaron Richardet And Dr. Jason Graf - Teach Overall Wellness To Locals

PRESS RELEASE: Wilmington, NC, 15-JAN-2013 - Wilmington chiropractors, Dr. Aaron Richardet, DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC, have been recognized for their efforts to teach overall wellness to members of the Wilmington community. The doctors have worked with individuals, groups and business owners to help people achieve greater health and wellness through healthy and natural methods.

When interviewed recently the doctors shared their commitment to helping people achieve greater wellness. "Most people do not think about their wellness goals until they are in pain or sick. Our goal is to education members of the community in the steps they can take to increase their wellness and avoid conditions that cause pain. We work very closely with the participants we education to make sure that their specific needs are addressed. When we work with business owners we evaluate the work environment to identify the changes that can be made to reduce employee sick time due to injuries. We feel that taking proactive steps to maintain good health is very important and want to ensure that we give people all of the information, training and support they need to achieve their goals."

Prior to preparing a presentation the doctors meet with the coordinator of the group to identify the average age of the participants, questions or concerns they may have, health issues that may be prevalent in the work place or their daily activities, and other issues that should be addressed during the program. The doctors then prepare a presentation that includes the steps participants can take to increase and maintain greater overall health and wellness.

The doctors address important topics during a presentation such as the importance of proper nutrition to ensure that the person is getting the important vitamins and nutrients required by the body to heal, maintain a healthy metabolism, improve stamina and increase energy levels. They also discuss exercises that are specifically designed to increase circulation and strengthen the muscle groups that support the spinal column.

To get more information about the programs offered by Wilmington chiropractors, Dr. Aaron Richardet, DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC to teach members of the community about how to achieve greater overall wellness visit http://www.SpinalCareOfWilmington.com today. Individuals and members of the press wishing to get more details about this press release will find contact information below.

Dr. Aaron Richardet, DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC

Spinal Care of Wilmington

265 Racine Dr., Suite 100

Wilmington, NC 28403

Telephone: 910.798.5560

Website: http://www.SpinalCareOfWilmington.com

Summary: Dr. Aaron Richardet, DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC, teach members of the community the steps they can take in their everyday life to achieve greater wellness. The Wilmington chiropractors provide individualized programs for people of all ages and work with individuals and groups to ensure that their specific concerns are addressed and they receive the education and resources they need to become active participants in their wellness program.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wilmington NC Chiropractors, Dr. Aaron Richardet And Dr. Jason Graf, Help With Thyroid Dysfunction

PRESS RELEASE: Wilmington, NC, 15-JAN-2013 - Dr. Aaron Richardet, DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC help individuals who experience Thyroid Dysfunction and other conditions. The Wilmington chiropractor offers chiropractic care, alternative therapies and education designed to improve an individual's quality of life and enhance the body's ability to heal and regenerate effectively.

When interviewed recently the doctors shared their philosophy regarding providing the highest quality of care to patients. "We encourage people to visit our office before they begin to experience symptoms and pain from conditions or injuries. However, we know that sometimes a person may not know about the natural alternatives that can help them to achieve greater health and wellness. When we meet with individuals we address both the root cause of the pain or issues and the long-term solutions that will allow a person to enjoy a greater quality of life. We feel that by giving people high quality care, support and education that they can more effectively become active participants in maintaining long-term good health."

During the initial consultation the doctor will ask the patient about the history of their Thyroid Dysfunction and medical history. Patients are asked about their diet and exercise regimen as well as activities that they previously enjoyed. An examination is performed, including x-rays, to identify any anomalies that may be contributing to the condition such as misalignment, pinched nerves, herniated or compressed discs. In addition, the doctor performs tests to determine the flexibility and mobility of the individual and the impact that the condition is having on the extremities.

After evaluating the information the doctor provides the patient with a wellness plan that addressed the immediate condition and provides the long-term solutions that will enhance the body's ability to heal more quickly. Since Thyroid Dysfunction causes a vast number of symptoms and affects the entire body, the plan will include both spinal adjustment to restore proper circulation through the spine and other therapies such as nutritional therapy to increase the vitamins and nutrients required by the body to maintain the metabolism and increase the body's ability to heal.

The doctor provides exercises designed to strengthen the body, increase overall circulation and reduce stress and tension. In addition the patient is provided with important information about the steps they can take in their daily life to improve their health.

To get more information about how the Wilmington chiropractor team of Dr. Aaron Richardet, DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC address thyroid dysfunction naturally and effectively visit http://www.SpinalCareOfWilmington.com today. Individuals and members of the press wishing to get more details about this press release will find contact information below.

Dr. Aaron Richardet, DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC

Spinal Care of Wilmington

265 Racine Dr., Suite 100

Wilmington, NC 28403

Telephone: 910.798.5560

Website: http://www.SpinalCareOfWilmington.com

Summary: Dr. Aaron Richardet and Dr. Jason Graf help individuals suffering from Thyroid Dysfunction the natural care that will help them achieve greater health. The Wilmington chiropractor creates individualized programs that include both chiropractic care and alternative therapies designed to improve and enhance the body's ability to heal and increase an individual's ability to enjoy a greater quality of life.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Skin care from the inside for hypothyroidism: aging, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema

skin care inside out

Anti-aging skin products and treatments comprise a $10 billion market globally. Rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema affect millions of Americans, sending them in search of topical skin care solutions. While the effectiveness of anti-aging and skin care treatments range in their success, they overlook the most vital aspect of skin care: addressing skin health from the inside out.

The skin is an immune barrier. Another large immune barrier is the digestive tract. Both the skin and the gut protect the sterile bloodstream from potentially harmful substances from the outside world. Other immune barriers are the respiratory tract and the blood-brain barrier. 

For people with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, addressing skin health from an immune perspective is important. Hashimoto's is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. In these cases, whole-body immune management is necessary, and, as a bonus, can improve skin.

Skin that ages too fast

These barriers can break down when health is suboptimal. In this way, the skin is a window into the health of the gut and the rest of the body. While aging skin is normal, especially with more exposure to sunlight, accelerated skin aging can indicate poor digestive and immune function. In women it may also indicate a hormonal imbalance as healthy, elastic skin depends on sufficient estrogen and progesterone levels. Good skin care includes addressing the health of the body.

Rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema

Other common problems people grapple with are rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis, which cause red, inflamed, patchy, or oozing skin. These embarrassing and sometimes painful conditions are signs of inflammation or an autoimmune reaction, in which the immune system attacks the body. Rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema are frequently triggered by a food intolerance, such as to gluten, egg, dairy, corn or other grains, or soy.

Because Hashimoto's hypothyroidism is an autoimmune condition, it is not uncommon for those with Hashimoto's to also struggle with rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema. Managing your autoimmune condition can relieve not only Hashimoto's symptoms, but skin issues as well. 

Adult acne

Some adults grapple with acne long after their teen years. Acne can have its roots in many things, including poor diet, inflammation, or a candida (yeast) overgrowth. In women, acne may also signal a hormonal imbalance, such as excess testosterone. A diet high in sugars and carbohydrates causes a woman’s body to overproduce testosterone and throw hormones out of balance, which not only can cause adult acne but also affect skin health in general.

Addressing hormonal imbalances is also important to manage Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Skin care secrets from the inside out

Because the skin is an immune barrier like the gut, skin that is aging too fast or is affected by rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema is a sign the gut has become inflamed and overly porous (“leaky gut”), which means it’s allowing undigested foods, bacteria, yeast, and other pathogens into the bloodstream. This can trigger inflammation, autoimmune reactions, and disorders that affect the appearance and aging of your skin.

By following the basics of gut repair, many people see great improvement or complete alleviation of rosacea, psoriasis or eczema, a more youthful glow, and reduced signs of aging. These approaches also provide a foundation to managing Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Basics of skin care from the inside out

  • Find and eliminate your food intolerances, such as gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, or grain. Either lab testing or an elimination-provocation diet can help you do this.
  • Follow an anti-inflammatory diet. If your body is inflamed your skin will show it. Avoid sweets, sodas, fast foods, and processed foods and instead follow a cleaner, whole foods diet with lots of produce rich in antioxidants and vitamins. This not only will prevent assaults on your skin health, but will also feed your skin with the right nutrients. You may also want to support gut repair with nutritional compounds designed to restore the immune barrier.
  • Address yeast and bacterial overgrowths. A leaky and inflamed gut harbors yeast and bacterial infections, which will inflame your skin as well. Yeast overgrowths are often implicated in rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and acne.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of clean water and avoid or minimize the beverages that are hard on skin: caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and of course sodas.
  • Reduce stress. Lack of sleep, over exercising, over working, or constant anger or negativity are some other ways you can speed the aging of your skin. Chronic stress promotes inflammation, imbalances hormones, and accelerates aging, which show on your face.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Wilmington NC Chiropractors Alleviate Pain From Pinched Nerves Naturally

The nerves that are present throughout the body can often create various challenges to consumers. Nerves that have become pinched or damaged in any particular capacity are often associated with a significant amount of pain and discomfort that can be debilitating when trying to perform normal functions. Anyone that is suffering from this issue should learn what a Wilmington chiropractor is able to offer for relief.

A chiropractor is specifically trained in helping people address pains throughout their bodies. A majority of patients who use this particular doctor have suffered from an injury or incident of some kind that is unable to be overcome individually. Pinched nerve sufferers are strongly encouraged to utilize this medical professional for their particular needs.

People of Wilmington who are dealing with this type of issue are faced with an incredible number of doctors to sort through. Consumers are often unclear of what is actually available to them in the form of relief from their concerns. Understanding how professionals guide the care process helps anyone make a viable care relief decision for their needs.

Professionals often initiate their relief efforts with a thorough examination. The medical exams that are offered from the professional are based on assessing the extent of nerve damage that is currently present. This is also when patients discover what forms of relief are available to them.

Nerve stimulation techniques are also commonly performed on patients. Electrical stimulation of never endings is effective in soothing the pain while promoting healthy placement and healing. Consumers often learn that this process is capable of offering short and long term solutions as a result.

Adjustments are also offered from a Wilmington chiropractor. The adjustments performed are based on the particular needs of the patient to help relieve pressure from the part of the body that is creating an issue. Each adjustment is associated with an instant form of relief for the patient.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wilmington NC Tension Headache Sufferers Find Relief With Chiropractic

Tension headaches are often described as a dull band of pain, surrounding one's head above the sufferer's eyes. These headaches are estimated to affect as many as 90% of all adults. While they are the most common form of headache, their exact cause is unknown. With care from a chiropractor Wilmington residents may suffer less pain.

Tension headaches are also referred to as stress headaches, as physical and emotional stress may trigger the pain. They usually start with a mild pain that increases in intensity. The pain is sometimes severe and may last for several hours or even days. Chronic sufferers may be affected more than 15 days per month. This type of pain affects approximately 3% of the population. Other sufferers experience episodic headaches.

Muscle tension and emotional stress may have something to do with these headaches. Other possible causes include fluctuations in certain chemicals in the brain. These fluctuations may prevent the brain from stopping pain.

Spinal problems may also cause the pain. If a vertebra is out of place, it can press on the nerves as they exit the spine. The resulting nerve interference disrupts communication between the body and brain. In addition to other conditions, this may cause chronic headaches.

If a spinal problem is the cause of one's headaches, it is usually due to a bone that is out of place in the cervical spine. The misalignment may be due to neck or head trauma. Common causes include auto accidents and falls. However, it is possible for the injury to occur without the individual being aware of it.

Chiropractors consider one's health history as well as a manual exam of the spine to locate the problem. If a problem is located in the spine the doctor uses gentle forces to restore balance to the neck. With help from a chiropractor Wilmington residents often suffer fewer headaches. If headaches strike, their force may be weakened.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wilmington, NC Chiropractic Care for Arthritis Relief - Dr. Aaron Richardet

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Why you should avoid GMOs if you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

what are GMOs

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably been hearing about GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. What is the big deal with GMOs, and can they really be that bad for you if the government allows them in our food supply? Sadly, yes, GMOs really are that bad for you despite being legal in the United States.

If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and are working to manage your immune and thyroid health, GMOs are a factor that could set you back. Therefore, a GMO-free diet should be part of your protocol to manage your autoimmune Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

A GMO food has had its DNA altered through the insertion of genes from another species of plant, animal, bacteria, or virus.

Examples of genetic modification include splicing fish genes into tomatoes and strawberries, jellyfish genes inserted into corn, or tobacco engineered with lettuce. Some genetic modification is done to create new drugs or industrial products, but in agriculture it is used to increase resistance to herbicides, pests, or bad weather.

Why GMOs are dangerous if you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

Common GMO crops include soy, corn, canola, cottonseed, and sugar beets. Genetic modification creates new proteins the human body has never before encountered. As far as the body is concerned, these new proteins are not food but instead dangerous pathogens to be attacked, destroyed, and removed. This creates inflammation, which if chronic can lead to a long list of health conditions.

For instance, an increase in allergies has been shown in populations after GMO foods are introduced, as well as in farm workers who handle the GMO foods. Animal studies show GMO foods can trigger reactions to a wide range of other foods.

For the person working to manage Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, this can create extra problems. Because Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disorder, management focuses on balancing the immune system and dampening autoimmune flare-ups. If GMOs trigger an inflammatory response, it gives the person with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism another battle to fight in balancing the immune system and regulating thyroid function.

GMOs are legal in the United States because of the dearth of studies on humans. The only research on humans shows that GMOs transfer into the bacteria that reside in the gut, which should be cause enough for concern. This means that long after you have eaten a GMO food its foreign proteins could stay behind in your gut, with unknown outcomes.

For instance, if a food is modified with an antibiotic, it could create an antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria in your body. Or a food modified with a toxin designed to kill insects could turn your gut bacteria into a pesticide. These new proteins could also make it into other parts of the body, including potentially a developing fetus.

The studies on animals are alarming enough that most other First World nations require GMO foods to be labeled, or have restricted or outright banned GMOs. The FDA’s own scientists have warned of allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems and urged long-term studies. In animal studies GMOs have been linked to:

  • Infertility, lower birth weight, and high death rate among offspring
  • Immune problems
  • Accelerated aging
  • Faulty insulin regulation
  • Changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system
  • Organ damage
  • Death

It can be difficult to find genuine whole foods these days and more difficult still to comprehend the motivations behind the allowance of GMOs in our food supply. The very real threats of GMOs only give us more reason to avoid processed foods. To be safe, avoid risky ingredients, which include soy, canola, cottonseed, corn and sugar from sugar beets. If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, you may need to be extra cautious so as not to provoke inflammation.

For guidance while you shop, download a non-GMO shopping app to your phone.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Fibromyalgia Relief Through Chiropractic Care In Wilmington NC

Fibromyalgia is a sometimes debilitating condition. It is characterized by prolonged daily pain over a period of many months. There are tender spots in the sufferer's body that are super sensitive to pressure, even mild pressure. The condition is often accompanied by depression, fatigue and problems with sleep. A Wilmington NC chiropractor can often bring relief from these symptoms.

Tests can be conducted that are non-intrusive but accurately identify the areas of involvement. These chiropractic tests are conducted using thermal imaging, and are very accurate in identifying this pain syndrome condition. Areas of most involvement can be identified, which can then direct the series of adjustments needed to bring relief.

Though the cause of fibromyalgia is not fully understood, it is known to be an auto-immune disease. Though chiropractic care doesn't totally alleviate the condition, it does help to improve the condition and eliminate some of the pain. Even if spinal misalignment is not a cause of the pain and other symptoms, it does escalate everything.

The nerves that are involved in any misalignment causes even more pain in an already painful situation. It has been proven that chiropractic adjustments over a period of time greatly relieves the pain experienced with this condition.

Thermal imaging tests conducted before and after the course of adjustments have shown that significant improvement is common. In addition, sufferers report improvement in fatigue, depression and sleep disturbance.

Though extensive scientific studies have not yet been done, reports by patients indicate there is definite improvement in all areas from which they suffer. Since the sample is so small, it remains to be seen if the same good results are enjoyed every time.

Still, the chance that the suffering can be improved, and the fact that the course of care is non-intrusive gives reason to try a Wilmington NC chiropractor and see what success is enjoyed. Even small improvements in pain management are worth the effort.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wilmington, NC Chiropractors for Complete Wellness - Dr. Aaron Richardet

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Wilmington NC Chiropractors, Dr. Aaron Richardet And Dr. Jason Graf, Offer Relief From Tension Headaches

PRESS RELEASE: Wilmington, NC, 25-DEC-2012 - Spinal Care of Wilmington and chiropractor Wilmington team members, Dr. Aaron Richardet and Dr. Jason Graf are pleased to announce that relief for tension type headaches is available using natural chiropractic techniques. Although there are many different types of headaches, tension head pain is the most common type in adults.

Stress headache is another name for tension headache pain. The pain can appear occasionally or as often as daily. The pain level varies from mild to moderate. It is not usually severe enough to render the sufferer unable to function in the acts required for living and working. It does make living less enjoyable.

A tension headache is characterized by the pressure, pain or tightness either in the back of the head or the forehead. Occasionally, it will be found in the neck. The duration of the pain may be only a portion of an hour, or it may last for days. Fortunately this type of headache doesn't affect vision, balance or strength.

Many patients don't realize that chiropractor therapy can provide solutions for this type of headache pain. Chiropractors seek to determine the cause of the pain. In many instances, the cause is linked to stress. Other patients have headaches that are the result of environmental factors. Making minor changes in one's lifestyle is often enough to reduce the duration and frequency of the headaches.

The doctors will do a review of the symptoms and will design a customized plan to improve health and reduce pain. The patient who is willing to make the effort to make lifestyle changes will often find substantial relief.

Learn more about tension headaches and how their pain can be eliminated using chiropractic therapy by visiting the web pages at http://www.spinalcareofwilmington.com today. Members of the press and others who have questions about the contents of this press release are invited to contact the chiropractor Wilmington doctors at the address identified below.

Contact Person Name: Dr. Aaron Richardet DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC

Company Name: Spinal Care of Wilmington

Address: 265 Racine Drive, Suite 100, Wilmington, NC 28403

Contact Telephone Number: (910) 798-5560

Email: info@spinalcareofwilmington.com

Website: http://www.spinalcareofwilmington.com

Summary: Spinal Care of Wilmington and chiropractor Wilmington team members, Dr. Aaron Richardet and Dr. Jason Graf offer a range of chiropractic methods that are effective in reducing the pain of headaches. Changes in stress levels and environmental factors are often enough to improve health and reduce pain.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wilmington, NC Chiropractor for Tension Headache Pain - Dr. Aaron Richardet

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to prevent a stroke when you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

how to prevent stroke

Strokes are scary, seemingly leaping out of nowhere. They are the third leading cause of death in the United States and for those who survive, they are the leading cause of disability in adults.

Hashimoto's hypothyroidism that is not properly managed may also raise your risk of stroke as it can increase cholesterol, blood pressure, and vascular health.

But strokes don’t have to be mysterious. In fact, research shows 90 percent of strokes are caused by dietary and lifestyle factors, which means you can lower your risk with a few changes to how you live.

If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys the thyroid gland, it also means learning how to properly manage your thyroid condition beyond thyroid meds.

A stoke occurs when an artery that carries blood to the brain either becomes blocked or ruptures. This starves the brain of blood and oxygen, often causing permanent brain damage. A stroke can leave someone with impaired speech, memory, or movement. How this damage affects the person depends on which parts of the brain were damaged and to what degree.

What causes a stroke

Although strokes are a leading cause of disability in adults, the good news is up to 90 percent of them are preventable. This means simple changes to your diet and lifestyle will protect your brain health well into old age. Research has found the great majority of strokes are caused by the following:

  • High blood pressure: High blood pressure is the strongest link, more than doubling the risk
  • Smoking: Doubles your risk
  • Poor diet: Increases the risk by 30 percent
  • Lack of exercise: Exercise four or more hours a week reduces your risk by 30 percent
  • Drinking too much: Thirty or more drinks a month increases the risk by 50 percent
  • Stress and depression: These raise the risk by more than 30 percent
  • Diabetes
  • Excess abdominal fat
  • Heart disorders

Revamping your diet is key to stroke prevention if you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

The most important thing is to revamp your diet. This means focusing on whole foods, plenty of vegetables, healthy fats, and ditching sodas, desserts, sweet coffee drinks, and processed foods. It can be difficult at first but most people begin feeling significantly better right away, which motivates them to stick with better eating habits.

Many studies have shown a link between Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and gluten intolerance. If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, adopting a strict gluten-free diet is the first step to managing your thyroid condition. You may also need to do an autoimmune diet, which eliminates inflammatory foods. 

Lower stroke risk by stabilizing blood sugar

A whole foods diet should focus on keeping blood sugar stable. High blood sugar causes inflammation, which damages and thickens arterial walls and promotes the formation of arterial plaques and blood clots. People with Type 2 diabetes, a disease of high blood sugar, are two to four times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack than those without the disease.

Just because something is natural, whole, or organic does not necessarily mean it is good for stabilizing blood sugar levels. Use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, agave, or honey sparingly, and minimize consumption of starchy foods such as potatoes and grains.

Keeping blood sugar stable is also important for managing Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Regular exercise prevents stroke or severity of strokes

When it comes to protecting brain health, exercise is a magic bullet. Regular exercise helps keep blood vessels strong and dilated, improves blood flow to the brain, and helps maintain a healthier metabolism. If one does have a stroke, research shows having exercised regularly significantly lowers the severity of the stroke and offers a better chance for long-term recovery. You do not need to take up bodybuilding or triathlons; simply walking regularly can be very beneficial.

Nutritional compounds to prevent stroke

Although diet and lifestyle strategies are key to stroke prevention, certain nutritional compounds can help support the arteries and healthy blood pressure, oxygenate the brain, stabilize blood sugar, and more. We can also use nutritional compounds to help manage autoimmune Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, which is more of an immune condition than a thyroid condition.

Ask my office how we can help you manage your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, lower your risk of stroke and support your brain health.

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