Saturday, September 29, 2012

How Chiropractic Helps Sport Injuries In Wilmington NC

In the heat of competition, athletes push their bodies to their limits and beyond. Bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments are subject to a significant amount of stress. Sports injuries can be devastating and may result in loss of strength, joint problems and mobility impairment. A Wilmington chiropractor offers safe and effective therapies to relieve the pain of sports injuries and accelerate recovery.

Traumatic sports injuries can be caused by collisions, slips or falls. They include contusions, sprained ligaments and strained muscles or tendons. Repetitive strain injuries are common in sports where the same movements are used over and over. Forms of tendonitis such as tennis or golfer's elbow are due to overstressed and inflamed arm tissues.

When sports injury patients visit the Wilmington chiropractic clinic, they receive a thorough evaluation. The doctor consults with them about their sporting practices and symptoms. He then performs a physical examination and orthopedic tests. In some cases, x-rays or MRI scans are used to pinpoint the location of injuries. The chiropractor discusses his findings with the patient and develops a personalized therapy plan.

In most cases, precise manipulation of the spine is recommended. An imbalanced spinal column can exert excess pressure on muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Misaligned vertebrae can pinch nerves in the spinal cord, triggering pain signals. A significant reduction in injury pain often occurs following chiropractic adjustment.

Other drug-free, non-invasive therapies are employed depending on the type of injury. Soft tissue massage and gentle stretches relax stiff muscles and increase flexibility. Electronic stimulation, ultrasound or cold lasers may be used to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain and stimulate the natural healing process.

The Wilmington chiropractor guides each sports injury patient through a rehabilitation program designed to help them return to peak performance. He assigns specific home exercises to enhance muscle strength and restore full range of motion. He also advises athletes about steps they can take to avoid future injury.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wilmington, NC Chiropractor for Sciatica Relief - Dr. Aaron Richardet

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Low cholesterol caution for Hashimoto's hypothyroidism: Why you need cholesterol

why you need cholesterol

We frequently hear about the dangers of high cholesterol, but keeping cholesterol as low as many doctors recommend may be doing your body more harm than good, especially if you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Although conventional medicine has demonized cholesterol and many healthy foods as a consequence, too little cholesterol can be harmful in a variety of ways. Your body uses cholesterol to make cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, bile acids (to help you digest fats), and it’s vital to good brain function.

All of these functions are important to manage your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Cholesterol prevents depression and memory loss

Cholesterol is abundant in brain and nervous tissue. It provides insulation around nerve cells that transmit electrical impulses, thus maintaining healthy communication in the brain. It also supports the activity of neurotransmitters, chemicals used for communication that greatly affect our mood, personality, and cognitive function. In fact, sufficient cholesterol is necessary to prevent depression and cholesterol-lowering medications have been linked with loss of memory and cognition.

The majority of your brain is made up of fat and the fats you eat help determine the chemical structure of your brain. Many of the foods people are told to avoid in order to lower cholesterol—eggs, fatty meats and fish, butter—also contain choline, a precursor to a brain chemical called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is necessary for learning, memory, concentration, and focus. It’s important to eat healthy, natural fats and avoid processed vegetable oils. You also want to strictly avoid trans fats, or hydrogenated oils, which have been shown to damage the brain and raise your risk for heart disease.

For the person with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism working to manage brain fog, memory loss, or depression, it's important cholesterol does not go too low.

Cholesterol needed for healthy hormones

Cholesterol is a primary building block for the reproductive hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and adrenal hormones. When cholesterol is too low, hormone deficiencies may result. Sufficient cholesterol is also necessary to digest vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are found in fats and are important antioxidants.

Vitamin D is especially important in taming autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and should be supported.

Although cholesterol scares are over inflated, it is nevertheless important to pay attention to other lipid panel markers, such as the ratio of HDL to LDL, triglyceride levels, and small, dense LDL. It is important to note too that some people have a genetic tendency toward extremely high cholesterol. In those situations medical attention beyond diet may be necessary.

Inflammation is the real culprit in heart disease and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

Researchers are increasingly finding chronic inflammation, not healthy dietary fats, damages the walls of the arteries and raises the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol's job is to repair this damage by creating patches, or plaques—it is more the Band-Aid for arterial damage than the cause.

Inflammation can also exacerbate Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

High blood sugar and insulin increase inflammation and heart disease risk

High blood sugar and insulin levels are a primary cause of chronic inflammation. Sweet and starchy foods such as desserts, pastries, cereal, white rice, sodas and sweet drinks, and any other foods that spike the blood sugar and subsequently insulin are the real threat to the arterial walls.

Managing blood sugar levels are an important foundation to managing Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

When it comes to looking at your risk of heart disease on a blood test, inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), a protein in the blood that rises in response to inflammation, are important to check. High triglycerides and abnormal blood sugar levels are other markers that can reflect whether your diet may be promoting inflammation. These are also important markers to check when managing Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

To learn more about healthy cholesterol and a diet good for both your heart and thyroid health, contact my office.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Wilmington, NC Chiropractic for Pinched Nerve Pain - Dr. Aaron Richardet

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wilmington, NC Natural Protocols for Thyroid Disorders - Dr. Aaron Richardet


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chiropractors In Wilmington NC Assists In Helping Locals Get Hip Pain Relief

About one in four Americans will develop osteoarthritis of the hip during a lifetime. As the condition progresses, it can cause chronic pain and lead to impaired mobility. A Wilmington chiropractor can provide hip osteoarthritis patients with drug-free, non-invasive therapies that alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and improve joint function.

Osteoarthritis of the hip is caused by deterioration of the protective cartilage which coats the bones in the joint. It can develop due to an injury or ordinary wear and tear. Some people are genetically predisposed to the disease. Those who are overweight have a higher risk of hip osteoarthritis due to extra stress on the joint.

The main symptoms of hip osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness in the groin and buttocks. The pain may also shoot down the thighs into the knee joints. It often feels worse in cold weather or upon waking in the morning. Walking gradually becomes more difficult and a limp may develop.

When a patient with hip pain visits a Wilmington chiropractic clinic, they receive a thorough evaluation. After discussing their symptoms in detail, the doctor examines and x-rays the hip joint. The patient's muscle strength, flexibility, and posture are assessed using orthopedic tests. A customized therapy plan is then tailored to meet the patient's needs.

A chiropractor uses gentle mobilization and manipulation techniques to improve movement of the joints. Stiff, tight muscles are relaxed with soothing massage and stretches. Ultrasound therapy reduces swelling and promotes healing. Patients typically experience a significant reduction in pain as pressure is relieved within the hip joint and surrounding structures.

A Wilmington chiropractor will take a holistic approach to hip osteoarthritis. In addition to therapy, patients receive guidance about ways to enhance their quality of life. They are advised about dietary and lifestyle changes that could improve their symptoms. They are also taught exercises they can perform to increase their mobility and help prevent further joint deterioration.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to motivate yourself to exercise for better thyroid health

motivate yourself to exercise

Exercise is the golden bullet when it comes to helping manage your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and other health maladies, such as lowering your risk of heart disease, bone loss, dementia, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity. Yet many Americans just can’t seem to make the time or find the motivation.

People with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism struggle with added obstacles--fatigue, tiredness, and depression. However, as you manage  your thyroid condition, working in some doable, enjoyable physical activity can go a long way to helping your thyroid health.

The problem for most Americans, say researchers in a New York Times article who have studied the issue, is that exercise is a “should” instead of a “want.” For many people, exercising to prevent a possible health problem later in life is not a good enough reason to get out of the office chair or off the sofa. Being scared into exercising because of a current health condition, like obesity, heart disease or bone loss, may be more effective, but still fails many.

Give exercise an emotional hook for better thyroid health

With most of the population struggling with overstuffed schedules, people will only fit in what they feel is absolutely necessary for that moment. Therefore, say research psychologists, we need an emotional hook to compel us to stay physically active.

The solution is not to exercise for theoretical medical reasons, such as managing your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, but because it's enjoyable and makes you feel better. Instead of using media scare tactics or self-admonishment to make yourself exercise, find what’s enjoyable about it and use that.

For instance, one researcher suggests a busy working mom use a walk with her kids as a way to spend time with her children and teach them the importance of physical activity.

Another woman, struggling with obesity and diabetes, decided to use long walks to spend time away from her kids and use the time to take photos to use for paintings later.

Another woman in her 60s meets her daily goal of walking for an hour thanks to the company of a friend, so that her morning walks are also a time to socialize.

By making physical activity fun, you also boost your body's production of feel-good opioid chemicals, which helps tame autoimmunity in such conditions as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

Reasons that will motivate you to exercise

A number of emotional benefits can help motivate you to exercise if health goals aren’t good enough carrots on a stick. Below are some reasons that may give you cause to get moving.

  • Sleep better at night
  • Relieve depression
  • Relieve anxiety
  • Relieve stress
  • Boost energy and productivity
  • Better able to cope with daily frustrations
  • Endorphin rush, that natural high from physical exertion that lasts for hours
  • Boost self-esteem; exercise makes you feel better about yourself and how you look
  • Time to socialize if you exercise with one or more friends (adding the health bonus of socialization)
  • Time with the family
  • Time away from the family
  • Time with a favorite pet
  • Time doing something fun and playful (dance, skating, Frisbee, golf, hiking, etc.)

Making exercise fun improves motivation and thyroid health

It’s easy to get trapped in a boring, noisy gym, staring at the television while on the treadmill, or going through a tired old weights routine. Although certainly better than not exercising at all, some people may find such routines too boring and eventually lose motivation to continue.

Find ways to turn your exercise into play time; scientists have found other species of intelligent animals, such as dolphins, chimps, and otters, play throughout their adult lives as a way to stay active and socially connected. Think back to when you were a child and what you found enjoyable. Perhaps you will have more fun taking your walks to an outdoor natural area, swimming, doing Zumba, or even roller skating. Just be sure not to overdo it and work within your physical means.

Although regular exercise is a powerful tool for health, its ability to simply enhance your current quality of life is undersold by the media. By dropping the health obligations and making exercise into something fun and enjoyable, you will look forward to doing it every day.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wilmington, NC Chiropractor Offers Headache Relief Dr. Aaron Richardet


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism—20 percent of diabetics are “type 1.5”

diet for diabetes

Do you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and type 2 diabetes?Although insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes get pinned on diet and lifestyle choices, in some cases these disorders could be associated with an autoimmune reaction, which is the mechanism behind type 1 diabetes. As Hashimoto's is an autoimmune thyroid disease that may lead to other autoimmune diseases, one should be aware of type 1.5 diabetes.

It is estimated 20 percent of people with type 2 diabetes also have an autoimmune reaction against the cells of their pancreas, prompting researchers to dub this “type 1.5 diabetes.” Type 1.5 diabetes may be even more prevalent than type 1 diabetes.

Insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) and diabetes are typically linked with a long-standing diet heavy in sweet, starchy foods and processed fats, as well as overeating and a lack of exercise. This is often referred to as “adult-onset diabetes,” although it’s becoming more common in younger people as their obesity rates rise. In these cases a diet for diabetes would involve managing blood sugar. Type 1 diabetes, referred to as “juvenile diabetes,” is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin.

A person with type 1.5 diabetes may have aspects of both: diet and lifestyle affect pancreatic function, as does an autoimmune reaction which may or may not have been identified. People with Hashimoto's have an increased risk of developing an autoimmune reaction against their pancreas.

Have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and blood sugar issues? Consider type 1.5

With type 1.5 diabetes an autoimmune reaction destroys cells of the pancreas, but the pancreas still secretes insulin—autoimmune damage is not advanced enough to shut down insulin function. In type 1 diabetes, on the other hand, more than 90 percent of the insulin-producing cells have been destroyed. Because a person with type 1.5 diabetes has not sustained pancreatic damage to such a great degree he or she is often misdiagnosed.

If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism it's important to know about type 1.5 diabetes. Autoimmune management may help prevent the condition from worsening or progressing to type 1 diabetes. It can also help manage your blood sugar and your thyroid condition.

Identifying type 1.5 diabetes if you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

If you have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and difficulty managing your blood sugar, it’s worth screening for antibodies against pancreatic beta and islet cells. Additionally, some people have antibodies against the glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) enzyme, which is involved in the release of insulin from the pancreas. GAD is also found in areas of the brain, and an autoimmune reaction to GAD may be associated not only with a blood sugar disorder but also with such neurological symptoms as obsessive-compulsive disorder, dizziness, or problems with balance.

Type 1.5 diabetes, gluten, and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism

Type 1.5 diabetes requires managing the autoimmune condition. This means strictly avoiding immune-reactive foods, which for most people includes gluten and dairy. The GAD enzyme may cross-react with gluten so that eating gluten can stimulate an immune attack against GAD. This is especially pertinent to those with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, an autoimmune condition that also has been linked with gluten intolerance.

Additional foods that trigger autoimmune reactions can be ferreted out by adhering to an autoimmune diet for a period of time. With type 1.5 diabetes, a diet for diabetes should be an autoimmune diet that also manages blood sugar.

A number of nutritional compounds have been shown to regulate the immune system and dampen autoimmunity. Ask my office for advice on managing Hashimoto's hypothyroidism and autoimmunity in general.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wilmington NC Sciatica Issues Helped with Chiropractic Therapy

Sciatica is a painful condition that is characterized by lower back and limb pain. It is a condition that is largely misunderstood, but has shown promising results with the assistance of chiropractic care. Upon consultation with the Wilmington chiropractor, a range of naturally based modalities may be implemented to assist patients in achieving a recovered state.

According to chiropractic theory, the body needs to be in a state of balance for the normal functioning and flow of neural pathways. When there is a disturbance within any one of these systems as a result of injury or chronic conditions, the nervous system is unable to function as per normal. Due to the customizable nature of this discipline, it has been used to address the issues associated with Sciatica.

A large number of chiropractors have implemented therapies from deep massage and nutritional counseling to exercise programs for relief from pain. Not only are symptoms addressed, but patients are provided with technique to prevent future aches and strain. Consult with a professional when it comes to individual options.

Recovery plans are based on subluxation theory where the spine needs to be aligned for nerves to function normally. When it is out of alignment, a disruption occurs and nervous tissue experiences ongoing pressure and strain. The spine is adjusted by means of manual manipulation to reduce the discomfort.

In the case of Sciatica the entire spine is addressed with focus placed on problematic points. Patients are often required to attend more than one session for relief from the discomfort and to return balance to the system. It is necessary to discuss all of the symptoms experienced with the practitioner in order to receive the methods most suited to your needs.

When visiting the Wilmington chiropractor, a physical evaluation will be taken to determine the presence of Sciatica. This condition is often characterized by painful symptoms and requires natural aid in relief from the discomfort. After a number of sessions, you may begin to experience a healthier state.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Wilmington NC Headache Sufferers Find Relief Through Chiropractic Care

Statistics indicate that at least a third of all Americans suffer headaches that are frequent and severe enough to disrupt their normal daily activities. The most common solution is to kill the pain with pain relieving medication. This creates reliance on the drugs as the problem is not addressed from what is causing it. A Wilmington chiropractor takes a different approach and offers effective and lasting relief for headaches.

There are different types of headaches. All of them cause pain in various parts of the head and neck. Chiropractic therapy is effective in healing the pain no matter what is causing it. Sometimes, headaches are an indicator of an underlying problem and a chiropractor can detect this.

Chiropractic care is based on the principle that the body can heal itself. This is as long as the nervous system is in optimum condition. If is not, it sends pain signals through the nerves. Therapy therefore focuses on resolving any problems within this system so that the pain signals can be stopped.

The musculoskeletal system is also focused on. This is where the spine is located and it acts as the crucial pathway through which the brain send messages to the rest of the body. The spine also has to be in optimum condition or else there is disruption in the conveying of these messages and this is manifested as headaches and pain in other parts.

Chiropractic therapy involves physical manipulation of the spine and the neck. This is done to get pressure off the spine so that its correct alignment and proper function are restored. The spinal chord can therefore transmit messages with no disruption and the nerves stop sending pain signals to the head.

Massage is also done which is very relaxing such as on the temples and over the skull. It removes tightness and tension and also works to provide pain relief. Some patients see dramatic results after just one session with the Wilmington chiropractor. Several sessions are advised, after which patients forget they ever had to deal with the problem of frequent headaches.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wilmington NC Chiropractors, Dr. Aaron Richardet And Dr. Jason Graf, Put A New Twist On Chiropractic Care

PRESS RELEASE: Wilmington, NC, 28-AUGUST-20121 - Spinal Care of Wilmington and Wilmington chiropractor team members, Dr. Aaron Richardet and Dr. Jason Graf, are pleased to announce a new approach to health care. The chiropractic twist is to emphasize improving health so that illness is avoided.

Conventional medicine, in contrast, focuses on treating the disease after it has developed. When local residents are interested in improving overall health, it is because of the desire to avoid illness and pain. Popularity of the local wellness center is continuing to grow, as the news gets out.

According to the doctors, speaking to interviewers recently, "People are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health. Please take the time to meet the doctor, team, and our wellness network dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives. To fully understand the nature of your health we recommend you join our free website membership program. As a patient at Spinal Care of Wilmington, we will personally tailor a wellness program specifically targeted to your wellness needs using the least invasive, yet highly-effective techniques and services available."

Using a wellness approach is a more patient directed solution to health care. This is in line with the mentality of individuals who want to understand what constitutes good health and how it can be achieved by individual action.

Learn more about chiropractic philosophy and how it is coordinated with a wellness and holistic approach to health by visiting the website at today. Members of the press and others who have questions about the contents of this specific press release may contact the doctors at the address identified below.

Contact Person Name: Dr. Aaron Richardet DC and Dr. Jason Graf, DC

Company Name: Spinal Care of Wilmington

Address: 265 Racine Drive, Suite 100, Wilmington, NC 28403

Contact Telephone Number: (910) 798-5560



Summary: Spinal Care of Wilmington and Wilmington chiropractor team members, Dr. Aaron Richardet and Dr. Jason Graf, offer programs and procedures to assist members of the local community to design and implement healthful living programs. The procedures are in line with chiropractic philosophy which focuses on full body health, rather than simply addressing individual symptoms.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Chiropractic Adjustments Help Leg Pain Sufferers Find Relief In Wilmington NC

Suffering with leg pain can make daily life very challenging and restrictive for those afflicted with it. There are several causes of this condition, most of which originate in the lower back and are referred into the legs through the sciatic nerves. Since most of these problems stem from a misalignment of the spine, they can be easily corrected with a series of spinal adjustments from a Wilmington chiropractor.

Chiropractic medicine is a holistic discipline that does not implement medications or surgery in caring for patients. Instead, practitioners use manual healing techniques to correct the source of pain at its root. Adjustments are the most commonly used form of chiropractic therapy. These consist of a precise force, manually applied to the misaligned portion of the spine and are intended to cause it to slide back into its proper place.

When a subluxation in the lower spine is fixed with adjustments, pressure on the sciatic nerve is relieved, thus alleviating the pain. It is important for the practitioner to locate exactly where the problem lies. He or she will carefully examine the patient, take a medical history, and if needed order diagnostic tests to provide more detailed information.

In most cases, sciatic leg pain will be due to one of these conditions: a herniated disc, forminal encrochment which is a condition where spinal nerves are pinched, or peripheral entrapment which occurs when blood vessels or nerves in the hips or pelvis become constricted. The patient may experience numbness, tingling, burning, or shooting pain in the legs, depending on the underlying disorder.

A skilled chiropractor will be able to pinpoint the problem and apply adjustments to relieve pressure exerted on nerves and blood vessels. Other therapeutic methods may be used as well for better results; these may include massage, ultrasound, TENS therapy, and stretching exercises. Mobility will be restored, circulation improved, and ultimately the pain will subside.

Most patients who suffer with leg pain will experience considerable improvement after several sessions with a Wilmington chiropractor. Correcting the cause of the pain is the most effective way of putting an end to the discomfort. Adjustments help restore balance to the spine and prevent referred pain in the legs.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When your blood is drawn could affect TSH level and hypothyroidism diagnosis


If you check your thyroid levels in the afternoon with a blood draw, results may come back normal even though you’re hypothyroid, according to a new study. Checking your TSH in the morning can give you more accurate results.

Like other hormones in the body, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) follows a daily rhythm and is not consistent throughout the day. Researchers in the study evaluated untreated patients with subclinical hypothyroidism along with patients taking a T4 hormone. They tested the participants’ TSH before 8 a.m. and again between 2 and 4 p.m.

In both groups TSH dropped substantially during the afternoon test, which would have led to hypothyroidism not being diagnosed in about 50 percent of the untreated participants.

Their TSH was 5.83 mU/L in the morning and 3.79 mIU/L in the afternoon. In the group being treated with thyroid medication TSH was 3.27 mIU/L in the morning and 2.18 mIU/L in the afternoon.

2004 study also showed that late morning, non-fasting TSH dropped 26 percent compared to early morning, fasting TSH.

Timing of TSH test adds new ammunition to thyroid range controversy

The researchers concluded that the timing of your blood draw plays an important role in how to decipher the results of your thyroid panel.

Unfortunately, even with an early morning blood draw, many hypothyroid patients still slip through the cracks because most doctors use ranges that are too wide.

It’s still very common for doctors to diagnose hypothyroidism using a TSH range of 0.5 to 5.0 mIU/L even though the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommended years ago the range should be 0.3 to 3.0 mIU/L.

Functional medicine uses narrower ranges and more markers to identify hypothyroidism

In functional medicine we use an even narrower range of 1.8 to 3 mIU/L. We also know in functional medicine that looking at TSH alone can miss hypothyroidism.

For some, TSH may be normal but other thyroid markers are off. That’s why it’s important to order a thyroid panel that looks at a more complete thyroid picture, which can include total and free T4 and T3, reverse T3, free thyroxine index (FTI), T3 uptake, and thyroid binding globulins. Many conditions can cause poor thyroid function, including inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and chronic stress. Evaluating other thyroid markers gives insight into these imbalances.

Always screen for autoimmune Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism

In addition to these markers, anyone with hypothyroid symptoms should be screened for Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. Hashimoto’s accounts for about 90 percent of hypothyroid cases in the United States. You screen for Hashimoto’s by checking TPO and TGB antibodies.

Although thyroid medications may be necessary to maintain thyroid function, they do not address the immune system’s relentless attack against the thyroid gland. Not managing Hashimoto’s increases the risk of developing other autoimmune diseases. These can include pernicious anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo, and Type I diabetes.

Ask my office how to properly evaluate your thyroid symptoms and lab markers for appropriate thyroid management.


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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pinched Nerves In Wilmington NC

A pinched nerve causes radiating pain, tingling, numbness, twitching and a burning or hot and cold sensation. Medicine can be used to mask the pain but it does not get rid of the problem at the root. This is why chiropractic therapy offered by the Wilmington chiropractor is the best option for dealing with the problem conclusively.

A pinched nerve is a form of nerve injury caused by a muscle spasm arising from an out of place joint. It may also be caused by a disc injury. Chiropractic care relieves the pain and eases other symptoms like limited or painful motion no matter the origin of the problem.

Alternatively known as nerve impingement, a pinched nerve is caused by surrounding tissues like tendons, bones, cartilage and muscles compressing it. A nerve thus becomes inflamed and it cannot convey signals to and from the brain. Pinched nerves are caused by stress, injury, bad posture, repetitive motion, osteoarthritis, obesity, genetics and sports or other physical activities.

Any nerve in the body can become pinched. For instance, pain that is felt at the back of the leg or sciatica is caused by a nerve root located in the lower spine getting pinched by a herniated disc. Similarly, carpal tunnel syndrome that causes numbness and pain in the hand may be caused by a pinched nerve is the wrist. The most susceptible nerves are those that pass through or are very close to bones and other tissues.

Therapy involves chiropractic adjustments where gentle pressure is applied on the spine and the problem spot. This gets the spine realigned correctly and pressure is taken off it. The same is achieved when the problem spot is gently pressed. Nerve pressure is relieved which relieves the pain.

If a pinched nerve is that if it not addressed conclusively, it can cause long term problems such as long-term or severe nerve compression. This can cause chronic pain, irreversible nerve damage and loss of function. A nerve fiber could also die. This is why seeing the Wilmington chiropractor as soon as possible is important.
