Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Does The Fountain Of Youth Really Exist?…

3 Things That Can Make You Live 20% Longer And Look Up To 20 Years Younger!

What if I told you I’ve discovered the fountain of youth… and… all you have to do is pony up 39.99 and you can have a jar of it to drink?  You wouldn’t fall for that obvious line of bull… now would you?
            Well, I’ve got news for you
Millions Of People Do!!!

            You see, 99% of people are like goldfish.  Not that they have fins and swim around in a fish tank.  But because goldfish have an attention span of…   Three Seconds!

            That’s right… 3 measly seconds! 

That means goldfish are slow learners.  After all, what can they possibly learn in 3 seconds?  So, if they eat a little green worm that makes them sick, guess what they’ll do 5 minutes later?  You guessed it… eat another little green worm and get sick again… and again… and again.

So what happens after they give that guy their $39.99 for that “fountain of youth in a jar” and it doesn’t work?  They forget all about the first guy in 3 seconds (just like a goldfish) and give another $39.99 to someone else claiming the same thing!

So what does all this have to do with you?  Well, even though there is no “fountain of youth in a jar,” there are…

3 Things That Can Make You Live Up To 20% Longer And Look 20 Years Younger!!!

Here they are…
#1 Having A Positive
Mental Attitude…

            That’s right, positive thinking actually makes you live longer… much longer.  In fact, a study done at the Mayo Clinic revealed that optimists lived 20% longer than pessimists!!!  Imagine that… looking on the bright side and cracking a smile every once in a while may put 10 or 15 years on your life.  There’s another interesting side note to optimists… They Have More Friends!

#2 Exercise…

            Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Everyone’s always yapping about how good exercise is.  You’ll slave away in the gym.  Run around that stupid track, and, maybe… just maybe… You’ll live an extra year.  The last year when you’re too old to care anyway.  Well, it gives me great pleasure to tell you…
Just How Wrong You Are!

            Listen to this… A groundbreaking study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1994, showed that the bodies of 40 postmenopausal women became…

15 To 20 Years More Youthful
 After The Women Lifted Weights
 Twice A Week For A Year!

            Do you understand what that means?  Lifting weights twice a week is hardly slaving away in the gym.  That’s something anyone can do to look 15-20 years younger.  I know it’s not quite as intriguing as the “fountain of youth in a jar,” and may take a little more time… but… it really works.

            Here’s another interesting exercise fact…

Exercise Can Even
Overcome Bad Genes!

That’s right… it just got better. In a study of 16,000 sets of healthy twins, researchers kept track of the twins' lifestyles for nearly 20 years. At the end of the study, they discovered that those who exercised moderately - 30 minutes of walking twice a week - cut their risk of dying almost in half when compared to their sedentary sibling.

That’s amazing!  Makes you want to start lifting weight and walking 30 minutes twice a week… doesn’t it? That brings us to…
#3 Decreasing Free Radicals

Although experts disagree about exactly what causes our bodies to age, one of the leading theories attributes it to damage caused by free radicals. These molecules that are missing an electron, bind with healthy cells and wreak havoc on those cells' ability to function.

Our bodies produce antioxidants to counteract the damage, but if there is not a large enough supply, cellular damage may not be repaired and sooner or later, we become ill.

According to this theory, the best approach to slowing the aging process is to
provide the body with plenty of ammunition against free radicals. You can do this by increasing your intake of antioxidants.

Forget for a moment about carbohydrates, protein and fat, and instead focus on food as a source of antioxidants. The most powerful food sources of these all-important nutrients are vegetables and fruits, so those should be the most abundant things on your plate.

Round out each meal with whole grains, like brown rice, whole wheat bread, cereal and pasta, plus low-fat dairy products and lean meats. Sugar and fat should be the smallest category.

One recent study by the National Cancer Institute, shows how powerful a diet like this can be the key to your health. Researchers examined the eating habits of more than 45,000 women and found that those who ate a diet high in fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy and lean meats cut their risk of dying from any cause by 30%! That’s phenomenal!
So you have a number of ways to really drink from the fountain of youth! Maintaining a positive mental attitude, exercising, and eating well can keep you happy and healthy as you become older and wiser! And hopefully you will enjoy the process of growing older with all life has to offer!
And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your, questions. We’re here to help, and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your life long good health!

Depression linked with bad digestion


I went to see my natural medicine practitioner for depression and she wants to work on my digestive health. I don’t get the connection.


Many people would be surprised to learn how greatly gut health affects brain health. A poor diet, inflamed gut, and intestinal permeability definitely can promote depression.

Depression a not-so-obvious symptom of poor digestion

Sometimes digestion issues are obvious; they cause gas, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain. For others the main symptom is not so obvious—depression. An unhealthy diet and compromised gut health can promote depression in several ways.

Poor nutrition

When one eats a junk food diet laden with processed foods, trans fats, sugars, and artificial chemicals, the brain suffers. The brain needs healthy fats, high-quality protein, abundant vitamins and minerals, and a diet low in starchy foods and sugars.


Gluten is directly linked to depression in some. It causes gut inflammation, which can lead to inflammation in areas of the brain that regulate mood. Some people digest gluten into gluteomorphin, an opioid similar to heroin or morphine that can cause depression (not to mention constipation). Gluten can also cause autoimmune attacks in the brain with symptoms of depression.

Dairy or other foods may also cause depression, depending on sensitivity.

Leaky gut

Leaky gut happens when the lining of the intestines becomes overly permeable. This allows undigested foods, bacteria, and other pathogens into the bloodstream, creating inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation in the brain may cause depression.

Inflammation in the gut also inhibits absorption of nutrients necessary for good brain function. An example of such a nutrient is tryptophan, an amino acid found in proteins. The brain synthesizes tryptophan into serotonin, a brain chemical that promotes feelings of well-being and joy.

Always consider gut health

Depression is a complex, multi-faceted condition that can have its roots in various causes. However the role of diet and digestive health should always be included in a functional approach to depression.

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Why do antibiotics give me health woes?

It seems ever since I took antibiotics I haven’t been the same. I’m sick more frequently, my digestion is messed up, and I have chronic yeast infections. Why?

Antibiotics are one of modern medicine’s life-saving miracles. However if preventive care isn’t taken, their use, and especially their abuse, can lead to chronic health problems.

Good bacteria serve us
The digestive tract contains an estimated 2–4 pounds of beneficial bacteria that are an integral part of our immune system. They resist bad bacteria, and they aid in the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients, and the synthesis of B vitamins and vitamin K.

These beneficial bacteria coat the lining of the intestines, providing a protective barrier against toxins. They also nourish the gut lining and ensure appropriate production of immune cells, helping to maintain balance in the immune system and prevent autoimmune disease.

Antibiotics wipe out good bacteria
While antibiotics eradicate disease-causing bacteria, unfortunately they wipe out the good bacteria too. This leaves the digestive tract defenseless, and it compromises both nutrient status and immune balance.

Overgrowth of bad bacteria produces toxins and antibiotic-resistant strains
Antibiotic use makes it easy for bad bacteria, yeast, and fungi to over multiply, wreaking havoc on digestive and immune health. The overgrowth of yeast, or Candida, is especially common. This can produce a wide range of troubling symptoms, including yeast infections, sugar cravings, skin rashes, brain fog, and more.

Also, pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungi produce toxic substances that make their way into the bloodstream and the rest of the body. These toxins have been linked to allergies, and health ailments in the digestive, respiratory, immune, and nervous systems.

Research also shows that antibiotic use develops long-lasting strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Restoring beneficial bacteria vital
This explains why antibiotics can contribute to myriad health problems, even though they may have successfully treated a condition. Unnecessary antibiotic use should be avoided. If they are necessary, one should work with a practitioner to learn the best way to restore the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.