Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Has Science Finally Found The REAL Reason We Are Healthy Or Sick?

“The Mind-Body Connection - - Shocking Proof About The Way You Think…Can It Really Relieve Pain And Cure Disease?

Ever wonder why our healthcare system in the United States is in such shambles?

Ever wonder why with all the amazing technology we have…and all the “breakthrough discoveries” you keep hearing about…every night on the news…we are still a nation of constant, chronic illness, pain and disease?

Ever wonder why…with the incredible amount of tax money the government takes and spends - - EVERY YEAR - - our health care system is just about bankrupt?

Ever wonder why YOU keep suffering with aches, pains, and various illnesses and doctors never seem to help?

Well I’ve Wondered About It Too And The Answer Will Shock And Amaze You!!!

Now, before I get to the “meat and potatoes” and tell you EXACTLY why I think so many people…including YOU…maybe needlessly suffering…I have to give you just a tiny piece of medical history so you understand where all this is coming from.

I assure you this little medical history is necessary…and…I even guarantee you will find it extremely interesting. More than that…

It May Add Countless Pain-Free
Years To Your Life!

So here we go…This whole mess started way back in the 17th Century with a physicist, physiologist and mathematician by the name of Rene Descartes.

You know who Descartes is…he’s the guy that said…

“I Think, Therefore I Am.”

Anyway, Descartes revolutionized “modern” thinking with his theory of dualism. In a nutshell, dualism says that the mind and body are completely separate.

As the story goes, Descartes came up with his theory while meditating one morning. Then he actually made an agreement with the Roman Catholic Church that he…as a man of science…would restrict himself to the study of the physical body…while religion would deal with the “mind.”

From that time on, studies of mind and body have…for the most part...remained two distinct and separate fields. Scientists stayed within the realm of what they could see and measure. Meanwhile, those in the religious life lifted thought, reason, and emotion out of the body, into the realms of the spiritual.

The first problem with this separation is that medicine used science as its ONLY measuring stick. Procedures are ONLY used if they pass strict scientific testing. This means the procedures must be able to be seen and measured.

If they can’t be seen and measured and proven through scientific experiment…they do not exist and will not be used in medicine.

But what about this - -

If you place your hand in a bucket of water…what happens to the water? It rises…right? It rises by the exact amount your hand takes up…or…displaces in the bucket.

You know it happened because you can measure the level of the water. This happens EVERY time…so it is called a law. The law of displacement.

Now…what happens if I stick my hand in the ocean? Well, we know that your hand displaces water. It has to…it’s a law. The problem is…

Can You Prove It?

After all…you can’t measure it. You can’t see the results.

So did the ocean actually rise?

ABSOLUTELY! It rose in an immeasurable amount. At least immeasurable with the tools we have at this time.

So what’s the point? The point is…

By Throwing Out The Mind-Body Connection Simply Because It Could Not Be Scientifically Measured, Medicine Has Ignored One Of The Most Powerful Healing Forces Known To Man!

How do I know the mind-body connection is such an important healing force?

Here’s how: You see, in 1981 Neurobiologist David Felton at the University of Indiana discovered that the immune system is actually hard-wired to the brain through the nerve system. That’s right, for the first time there was scientific proof that the immune system is under the direct control of the brain.

Why is this so important to you?

Well listen to this…this is the most important part of this blog. If you only read the next few paragraphs…

You WILL Live A Happier,
Healthier Life!

In 1974, Ader, an experimental psychologist, made what most consider to be one of the central discoveries of mind-body research. It, too, happened as a surprise. In the course of investigating conditioned response (Pavlov's drooling-dog-and-bell concept), he was testing to see how long such a trained response might last in some laboratory rats. Using a combination of saccharine-laced water and the nausea-inducing drug Cytoxan, he had trained the rodents to associate the sweet stuff with a bad bellyache. Afterwards, while giving them saccharine-water without the accompanying Cytoxan, Ader watched to see how long it might take for them to forget the association between the two.
Unexpectedly, during the second month, the rats began to fall prey to disease and die off. In investigating this unforeseen result, Ader checked into the properties of the nausea-inducing drug he had used and found that one of its side effects was as an immune suppressant. The rats had been conditioned, it developed, not only to associate sweet water with nausea, but also with an immune shutdown. The conclusion was obvious:
Their Minds Were Controlling Their Immune Systems!
Isn’t that amazing? The rats actually killed themselves just by thinking it!
So, my question to you is…what are you thinking your immune system into doing? Are you thinking yourself healthy or sick?
Here’s an even better question…since your nerves serve as the communication lines between your brain and your body/immune system…are you sure those lines are open so your brain can keep you healthy?
The bottom line is: if you have misaligned or malfunctioning spinal bones…your brain CANNOT communicate properly with your body. And, as you now know…with your immune system. Having these spinal misalignments…or SUBLUXATIONS…may not only cause pain… but also weaken your immune system and lead to sickness and disease.
The only way to keep your spine free from these subluxations…and unnecessary pain and disease…is by routinely getting your spine checked by your Chiropractor (that’s me!), just like you routinely brush your teeth and go to the dentist. So, if you haven’t had your spine checked in a while, make sure you read the insert that came with this newsletter. It will not only give you an opportunity to get your spine checked again…it will show you how to put $250 in your pocket!

….And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help, and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in your lifelong good health!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Here are some helpful health tips.

Did You Know?…

1.  High levels of sodium (salt) contribute to congestive heart failure. Roughly 5 million people in the U.S. experience this heart failure annually!

In a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, those who ate the most sodium were 43% more likely to suffer congestive heart failure than those with the lowest sodium intakes.

Less than 2,400 mg of sodium a day is recommended by several government health agencies. High sodium intake can also increase hypertension and cardiovascular disease risks.

To reduce the amount of sodium in your diet, eat fresh foods and prepare your own meals…as prepackaged foods are loaded with sodium! Start reading labels on pre-prepared meals, too - you might be shocked at how much sodium you're already eating!

2. When you have a high level of stress in your life, it’s good to participate in calming hobbies. These should take little effort, and allow your body’s biorhythms to slow back down.

Reading a book or sailing are examples of those slow paces activities that allow your mind to ease it’s pace.

Some other things you might do are:
  • Meditate
  • Watch TV or Read a Book
  • Do Crossword puzzles
  • Repetitive tasks like throwing a baseball with a friend

Be sure you aren’t making yourself busier, but are finding ways to slow a normally frantic pace. Notice how it can ease your mind!