Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here is an article that will be running in the local paper.

Fibromyalgia is a form of generalized muscular pain and fatigue that affects approximately 3.7 million Americans. Fibromyalgia lacks laboratory abnormalities, so most doctors diagnose it based on a person’s report or complaints and feelings. Pain is the most prominent symptom of Fibromyalgia. It generally occurs throughout the body although it may start in one region, such as the neck and shoulders, and spread to other areas over a period of time. This pain over time becomes life altering and debilitating in ways only the patient can truly understand.

Most people with Fibromyalgia experience moderate or severe fatigue with a lack of energy, decreased exercise endurance, or the kind of exhaustion that results from the flu or lack of sleep. Sometimes the fatigue is more of the problem than the pain. A patient always feels exhausted like they can never get fully rested up. Other symptoms can be headaches, especially muscular (tension headaches), migraine headaches and insomnia are common in Fibromyalgia. Abdominal pain, bloating, alternating constipation, bladder spasms, and irritability may cause urinary urgency or frequency.

The latest research suggests that one of the true causes of Fibromyalgia comes from food insensitivities and environmental intolerances, which lower an individual’s immune system, causing them to feel fatigued more quickly, which in turn makes them more susceptible to other illnesses. These intolerances can go undetected for years causing a slow manifestation of patient’s symptoms, making it difficult to pinpoint a specific beginning.

No matter what the condition, it is imperative that the doctor performs a thorough and comprehensive consultation and exam to determine the exact nature and cause of the patient’s condition, along with the severity to determine the proper treatment and therapy.

As a local Chiropractor, I take a different approach to the treatment and prevention of Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, combining a neurological examination along with checking the patient for intolerances to food and other environmental allergies that can cause an exacerbation of symptoms. After a thorough consultation and examination I determine a specific treatment plan for each individual patient.

Like all chronic type patients whose symptoms last longer than 6 months, patients must be monitored closely before and after all treatments. If the patient is not monitored, it is impossible to determine if the treatment is helping.

Dr. Richardet, DC is one of only 25 chiropractors in the U.S. who has had training on the LZR-7, which is a new treatment technique that helps people suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue conditions without prescription medication.

What is Laser Allergy Relief?

This is the number one question I get from friends, family and patients.

The Medical Explanation For Allergies

Allergies are nothing more than an inappropriate response to something that is perfectly harmless. Your body sees an ordinary substance as foreign and attacks it sending you into an allergic reaction of red, itchy eyes, a scratchy throat and trouble breathing. It is essentially an error in the body's immune system where it does anything it can to combat this "bad, foreign" substance. But this substance is perfectly harmless. What's worse is now a new association is turned into an engrained pathway in your nervous system which will associate that substance as a foreign object from there on out. It is a substance/association error that is made and learned by your nervous system. An example of this is when you eat a normally harmless food and it makes you sick afterwards. (eggs for example) You get sick and you know what happens (no details necessary here). Your body will associate the sickness with the food that you ate so that most likely even months to years down the road even the sight or smell of eggs will make you nauseous and even a little sick. But eggs are not the problem. It's the incorrect association that your nervous system has made that's the problem.

How Do You Know What You're Allergic To?

Each specific allergen has it's own specific frequency. Cat dander for example has a certain frequency. Dust has a specific frequency that is different than cat dander. These frequencies plus 100's of thousands of other frequencies of possible allergens are introduced safely into the body over several sessions. The body is then monitored to see which frequencies cause it to go into allergic reaction. Then a complete list of all the frequencies (allergens) that caused the body to go into allergic reaction is made giving you a complete list of everything you are allergic to in that particular session. The average person will have 5-20 different allergens.

How Do You Fix These Allergies.. Permanently!

In order to eliminate and rid you of your allergies, each of these frequencies (allergens) will be introduced back into the body one at a time, each on different days. For example if milk allergies are to be eliminated first then on session # 1 the computer will introduce the frequency for milk into the body. Then, and this is the best part, as that frequency (allergen) is introduced into the body the laser stimulates certain acupuncture points which releases endorphins and other chemicals which that make you feel good. So instead of that frequency (milk) causing you to go into allergic reaction, the laser retrains the nervous system to respond normally when you drink milk instead of an upset stomach, runny nose ect.. This new nervous system pathway permanently replaces the old pathway thus permanently ridding you of that specific allergen. Once all the pathways are retrained for each allergen you can say good bye to allergy pills, shots, and allergy related red, swollen eyes, scratchy throats and runny noses.